Services for Schools

Schools today face the task of providing a community of care against an increasingly fraught cultural backdrop. I offer strategies and practices that can help your faculty and your students meet this moment with programming built by and for educators.


Assess your existing program and develop a plan to embed resilience practices into your organizational norms, curriculum, and culture.



Custom-designed programs provide your school community direct experience with evidence-based resilience practices and guided opportunities for authentic connection with one another.



Help your staff incorporate resilience practices in their daily lives and into their teaching or leading with tailored individual or group support.



My minimum engagement for in-person school visits is generally one full day of programming or multiple consecutive half days.  For virtual programming, shorter stand-alone workshops may be an option. All programs are custom-designed based on your school’s needs and are priced accordingly.

Program Growth & Design

One-off experiences don’t change school culture. Let’s spend time and energy on a deliberate plan to help ensure that our work leads to a lasting shift.

Program Audit and Strategic Planning 

I can help you align with best practices in the field and maximize the potential of your school’s programs. I take a strengths-based approach, looking to build on what’s going well rather than bulldozing it.

Programs we can strengthen together include:

  • Advisory 
  • Student Support
  • Mindfulness
  • Real-World, Experiential, or Project-Based Learning
  • Student Leadership & Student Stewardship
  • Student Life & Co-Curricular Programs
  • Professional Development & Meetings Structure
Whole School Implementation for Mindfulness & Resilience Programs

For schools ready to invest more deeply in a culture shift, I offer a long-term relationship to develop a school-wide or district-wide program in mindfulness or positive education. This means focusing on educator wellbeing first, and then considering student wellbeing programs. We work together to ensure a smooth rollout and delivery that moves at the pace of trust.

Effective programs need to develop organically over time to be sustainable, so schools and districts interested in system-wide initiatives should plan a minimum of 3 years’ investment in the process.

Read about my approach to integrative school change here…

Workshops & Speaking

Workshops are custom-designed to meet your individual needs and will always include an audience-appropriate experiential component as well as time for sharing and integration. (I do not believe in lecture-only presentations!)

For Educators

In order to create a sustainable culture of wellbeing, it is important that educators have time to learn and to practice resilience practices before they are asked to share them with students. Read more about my educator-first approach here.

Accordion Content
Adult Wellbeing
  • “Too Much, Too Fast, Too Soon”: Working with Overwhelm & Burnout
  • Centering Educator Wellbeing: Cultivating Mental Health Protective Factors
  • (Re)Connecting to Your Sense of Meaning & Purpose
Student Wellbeing
  • Fostering Student Resilience: Incorporating Mental Health Protective Factors in the Classroom
  • A Non-Clinician’s Guide to Working with Stress & Anxiety in Young People
Relationships & Relational Infrastructure
  • Holding Space: Skills for Supportive Listening & Presence
  • Difficult Conversations: Mindful Communication for Navigating Conflict
  • Getting Unstuck in Advisory: Practices for Meaningful Engagement
Skillful Teaching
  • Nervous System Practices for a Trauma-Informed Classroom
  • Meaning & Purpose: Real World Learning
  • Teaching Attention in an Age of Distraction
  • What’s Going Well?: Strengths-Based Teaching & Feedback Processes
Fostering Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
  • “Just Like Me”: A Mindfulness-Based Approach to Implicit Bias
  • The Somatics of Bias: Practices for Tolerating the Discomfort of Equity Work (*generally for white-identified audiences)
Workshops for Teams
  • Starting Off Right: Setting Team Norms, Agreements, and Needs
  • What’s Our Conflict Style? Tools for Skillful Disagreement and Generative Conflict
  • Working Productively Together: Creating Supportive Structures for Busy Teams
  • Honoring Closure: Celebrating, Appreciating, and Laying Down Our Work Together 

For School Leaders

It is an extremely challenging time to be an administrator. Support your leadership team with dedicated time to consider their own wellbeing, as well as skillful ways to model and care for others.

Accordion Content
Administrator Wellbeing
  • “No Really, How Are You?”: Taking Time for Ourselves as School Leaders
  • Getting Clear: Reflection & Intention Setting (end-of-year or start-of-year)
  • Setting Healthy Boundaries: How Not to Take It All Home with You
Supporting Systemic Wellbeing
  • Fostering Resilient Learning Spaces: Incorporating Mental Health Protective Factors across the Curriculum and Beyond
  • Supporting Overwhelmed Nervous Systems in Overwhelmed School Systems
  • We’re Doing This Together: Creating a Culture of Community Care
  • A Non-Clinician’s Guide to Supporting Those with Stress & Anxiety
Relationships & Relational Infrastructure
  • Holding Space: Skills for Supportive Listening & Presence
  • Difficult Conversations: Mindful Communication for Navigating Conflict
  • We Can Work Well Together: Supporting Struggling Teams
Workshops for Teams
  • Starting Off Right: Setting Team Norms, Agreements, and Needs
  • What’s Our Conflict Style? Tools for Skillful Disagreement and Generative Conflict
  • Working Productively Together: Creating Supportive Structures for Busy Teams
  • Honoring Closure: Celebrating, Appreciating, and Laying Down Our Work Together 

For Parents

An involved and engaged parent body is an important component in the growth of a culture of wellbeing. Many schools choose to add an event for parents to a campus visit to help align home and school cultures.

Accordion Content
  • Program rationale: “The Science of Resilience and the Importance of Resilience Education”
  • Parent burnout, stress, exhaustion: “Putting on Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Care for the Caregiver”
  • Attention (including online distractions and ADHD): “Raising Children in an Age of Distraction”
  • Strengths-based parenting: “Moving Away from Deficits: How a Focus on Your Child’s Strengths Can Change Everything”
  • Raising resilient children: “Learn to Fail or Fail to Learn: What We Can Do to Help Our Children Develop Resilience”
  • Transitions (for parents of incoming 9th graders, outgoing 12th graders): “Let Me Go but Hold Me Close: A Parent’s Guide to Changing Needs & Relationships”
  • The emotional toll of the admissions process: “The Wellbeing Outcome: Navigating the Admissions Process without Losing Sight of What Really Matters”

For Students

In order to best support students, I ask that schools:

  • consider a format and venue that will allow the workshop to be experiential and active, including practice, movement, and discussion.
  • schedule time for me to work with faculty first, so that they get direct experience with the same practices we’re sharing with students.  Read more about my educator-first approach here.
Accordion Content
Building a Resilience Toolbox
  • Cultivating Mental Health Protective Factors
  • Cultivating Distress Tolerance & Working with Overwhelm
  • Cultivating Self- & Community Care Routines
  • Cultivating Self-Compassion
  • “Just Like Me”: A Mindfulness-Based Approach to Implicit Bias
  • Beyond Calm: Welcoming the Present Moment
  • Paying Attention in an Age of Distraction
  • Savoring: Helping Your Nervous System Find What Isn’t Awful
Equity & School Culture-Keeping
  • “I’m Still Learning about ____”: Working with Implicit Bias
  • The School Leader’s Toolbox
  • Impact vs. Intent: Tools for Addressing Harm
  • Storytelling for Change & Growth

Groups & 1:1 Coaching

One-On-One Resilience Coaching

The demands placed on educators at this moment can be extremely intense. One-on-one sessions allow educators the time and space to support their own needs so they can show up more fully for their students and colleagues as well. Some areas of support include:

  • navigating overwhelm and burnout,
  • managing difficult relationships or classroom dynamics,
  • establishing routines for mental & physical wellbeing,
  • connecting to what brings joy and purpose.
Administrative & Leadership Coaching

Leading resilience initiatives can be a real paradigm shift. I support your leadership team in managing their own resilience and overwhelm, navigating challenging relationship dynamics, as well as thought partnership on ways to integrate resilience practices into meetings, messaging, and their day-to-day work.

Instructional Coaching & Observation

Many schools don’t have someone on staff trained to offer feedback in resilience practices. I offer a growth-oriented feedback process that supports educators to safely and skillfully offer trauma-sensitive lessons in mindfulness and other resilience practices to students.

Communities of Practice & Professional Learning Communities 

Many educators are starved for connection. Ongoing small groups focus on integrating and sustaining change with the support of peers and are an important way to support participants’ personal wellbeing and teaching practice.

Read more about my approach to resilience…
